Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Alexandar Majors Historic House in Kansas City.

 I've leaned about important role             Alexander Majors                                         played I early Kansas City.                                  He employed so many...                                  What does one man do when                               he as so many daughters?                                    He was a creative thinker.         spend://www.saralexandermajors.org/Alex

 I helped with an event celebrating Alexander Majors 200 birthday. 

Making corn husk dolls

From inside the house 

On the Ridge(including Ishum Haynes - Civil War soldier from Mississippi)

My Patroit ancestor Henry Haynes checking in 
Current Generations including 
Henry's 3rd great grandson
Isham Haynes who fought in the Civil War from Mississippi.

This is a photo of  Ishum and Catherine(Farris) Haynes
My 2nd great grandparent 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Are they here? Did they make it?

    unknown photographer
     Photo of Sarah Poff
     150 Years Later - however you felt like you were there..
   Battle of Westport MO

Others Tell their Stories( from Battle of Independence )

Photo by Sarah from reinactment of the Battle of Independence